College Counseling Corner


Monthly Newsletter

 During the past few weeks much exciting news has come to our students as they have all been accepted into universities. I along with the rest of the staff could not be more excited for them and their accomplishments. We have watched them work diligently towards this goal and they have all made it with flying colors. As I mentioned last month, the universities that our students have been applying to and the ones that they have been accepted to are some of the top universities in the US. I want to send out special congratulations to all the seniors for successfully completing their work and making us all very proud. Congratulations to you all:

Martin Woo, Jeffery Lee, Sungwoo Kim, Woo Jin Choi, Jin Dong Hwang, Reichelle Daraoay, Hyeyoung Lee

Now is the time for our juniors to start the process of looking towards the future and taking note of the accomplishments of our seniors. At the start of next year I will be assisting you in focusing your aim and narrowing your goals for the future.

With the support of your teachers I am confident that soon you all will be on your way to the next exciting chapter of your lives.

With the summer vacation I want to encourage you all to take this time to start investigating, planning and preparing for your university. As I have always said, it is never too late to look towards the future.

Gregory R. van Goidtsnoven
(College Counselor/ Elementary/EYS & WASC Coordinator)

What’s New »

Grade 10 Personal Project Exhibition

Grade 10 Personal Project Exhibition

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Service as Action

Service as Action

MYP students are provided with meaningful service opportunities to help them connect what they learn in the classroom to real-life encounters in their community....

Personal Project

Personal Project

Tenth graders complete their personal projects in Year 5, their final year in the MYP. The personal project provides an opportunity for students to undertake an...

Approaches to Learning Skills

Approaches to Learning Skills

In the MYP classroom, students are taught not only with facts and concepts, but with skills that will help them perform better in their assessments. IB programmes...